
Fish Processors from Central and Western Regions of Ghana Tours DAA Fisheries Training Center

About The Project

Peer-to-peer learning has proven to be an effective mechanism for knowledge exchange among community members especially engaged in fish processing. DAA therefore organized a study tours to Winneba and Apam on 20th July. This was aimed at presenting a platform for processors to interact, learn and share ideas on appropriate smoking methods as well as build skills and knowledge on strategies to reduce post-harvest loss reduction. These two destinations were chosen in consultation with other two partners (CEWEFIA and Daasgift) who alluded that indeed processors in these communities had adopted best practices on a wide scale. As originally planned, DAA had engaged 141 fish processors of which 4 were men 137 were women. Among issues encountered on the tour, one intriguing experience worth noting was the environmental conditions under which fish were processed in Mudford. This presented an opportunity for the participants to adequately learn about the need to incorporate hygienic fish handling into fish processing.

The study tour started at Winneba Landing Beach around 9:30 am, where Madam Lydia Sasu welcomed the group and gave the purpose of the study tour. Madam Judith Aryitey narrated the history of the Landing Beach of Winneba and problems facing the beach .the fisher folks at Winneba used rubbish as sea defense this had made impossible to keep beach clean, she ask for help from the Government and NGO, s to build proper sea defense to curb the situation. She also said there is no fish Market for fish to be sold; therefore the women sell on the street.

The group also visited demonstration fish smoking stove site constructed by Challenging Height. The Site Manager, Victoria Abraham who took the group through the processes and the proceeds of the Site and how they operate it. From Victoria Abraham, only register fish processors can use stoves to processed fish. No fee is charge for using their facilities for processing. The center is equipped with cold rooms where cartons of are bought from Team for sale for processors during the lean season. She also alert the group that two cartons of fish can be given to vulnerable households that might surfer Child labor and trafficking to process and sell and the retuned service as seed capital for the household.

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